I have been fortunate to never want for anything. I grew up in a blue collar home with all of my basic needs met. We didn't drive new cars or go on many vacations, but I had a loving home with a roof over my head and went to bed every night with a full belly and a pillow to lay my head on. How many of you can say the same? There are so many around us who do not live the same life.
As a new employee at VIS, I have been humbled to be one of the staff who directly receives requests for the most basic of needs like furniture/household items. I have also had the privilege to go into homes and deliver gently used furniture items to individuals who live on less than $10,000 a year. It is hard to fathom making ends meet on less than $900 a month- isn't it? Recently, I received a request from a woman who needed two pillows, a blanket, silverware and some pots & pans. When I spoke to her to inquire about the reason for her need, she replied, "I just don't have much." Imagine not having these basic needs.
Over the last couple of months, VIS has supplied a bed for a senior woman who was sleeping on a broken down mattress on the floor, a dresser for an elderly man who was previously homeless and had no furniture to place his clothes in, a young family with multiple needs who were moving into their first home. These are just a few examples of how VIS, our used furniture resources and the volunteers delivering the items leave people feeling blessed beyond belief.
I have often said people just need to be made aware of a need to allow them the opportunity to respond to it. Currently, VIS is prayerfully considering if we can continue providing for these requests as we currently have only six active furniture delivery volunteers and two of those are staff members. Matthew 9:37-38 Jesus said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” We are asking the Lord to send His workers into this harvest field. If you are able bodied, have access to a vehicle to transport furniture items and have a somewhat flexible schedule, please contact Tracey at: tmaguffee@visgr.org to talk about this volunteer opportunity.